Bulk Registering Steam Keys

Due to the crazy good deals that Humble provides, I discovered that I had hundreds of Steam keys that I haven’t registered.

After spending way too long exporting all of my keys from the Humble site, via some JS console trickery, I ended up with a spreadsheet of 1,285 unique Steam keys.

Unfortunately, I’ve randomly activated a number of these over the years as I’ve wanted to… but I don’t know which ones, so I needed a way to bulk register. Luckily, other smarter people have already figured this out: SteamBulkActivator did the job well! The only downside is that after a number of failed activations (10 I believe) there was an hour cooldown.

That means I’ve spent quite a while going through and testing all of my keys. Here’s the breakdown of what I ended up with:

  • Already Registered – Games I already own, or keys I’ve already registered. There’s a good chance that there are a lot of keys here that are still unregistered. The next thing I’ll need to do is try to figure out how to separate the unregistered keys from the already used ones
  • Success – I now have 383 new games!
  • Bad activation key – Humble sometimes provides keys to stores other than Steam. This is likely where these came from.
  • Duplicate activation code – The key was activated on someone else’s account. I probably gave this key away to someone else because I already had the game.

I wish it were easier to map a key to a game so I could find out what these are, but this is still better than having unused keys laying around that I paid for.

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One response to “Bulk Registering Steam Keys”

  1. Thanks! I often buy bundles and end up with batches of keys to activate. I hadn’t heard of SteamBulkActivator before so TIL

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