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Gathering database performance with WP-CLI

Recently at work, my team was asked to help gather data about database server performance before and after an upgrade. To help with this, we collected a number of heavy database pages on some WordPress sites, dumped every query running to generate the page, and grabbed them to profile.

I whipped up this quick and dirty WP-CLI command that will run a list of SQL queries 1,000 times and give you the minimum time, maximum time, average time, and standard deviation for each query.

With this data, you can re-run the same queries again after a server change to determine if there has been any major SQL performance differences:

 * Profiles DB performance by running SQL queries and returning timing statistics.
public function db_profile( $args, $assoc_args ) {
	$format = WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value( $assoc_args, 'format', 'table' );

// Put all of your queries here!
$site_sql_lines = <<<END
SHOW TABLES LIKE 'wp_posts';

	$lines = explode( PHP_EOL, $site_sql_lines );

	global $wpdb;

	$stats         = array();
	$total_time_us = 0;
	$runs          = 100;
	$progress      = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar( sprintf( 'Running %s Queries', number_format( count( $lines ) * $runs ) ), count( $lines ) * $runs );

	for ( $run = 1; $run <= $runs; $run++ ) {
		foreach ( $lines as $index => $line ) {
			if ( ! isset( $stats[ $index ] ) || ! is_array( $stats[ $index ] ) ) {
				$stats[ $index ] = array(
					'query' => $line,
					'runs'  => array(),

			$start_time = hrtime( true );
			$results    = count( $wpdb->get_results( $line, ARRAY_N ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
			$end_time   = hrtime( true );
			$time_us    = ( $end_time - $start_time ) / 1000;

			$total_time_us += $time_us;

			$stats[ $index ]['runs'][ $run ] = $time_us;

	$data = array();

	foreach ( $stats as $index => $stat ) {
		$stats[ $index ]['stats'] = array(
			'min' => min( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] ),
			'max' => max( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] ),
			'avg' => array_sum( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] ) / count( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] ),

		$data[ $index ] = array(
			'Query'  => $stat['query'],
			'Min'    => number_format( (float) $stats[ $index ]['stats']['min'] / 1000, 3 ),
			'Max'    => number_format( (float) $stats[ $index ]['stats']['max'] / 1000, 3 ),
			'Avg'    => number_format( (float) $stats[ $index ]['stats']['avg'] / 1000, 3 ),
			'StdDev' => number_format( (float) $this->stats_standard_deviation( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] ) / 1000, 3 ),

		if ( 'csv' === $format ) {
			$data[ $index ]['Runs'] = wp_json_encode( $stats[ $index ]['runs'] );


	// Output data.
	WP_CLI\Utils\format_items( $format, $data, array_keys( $data[0] ) );

	// Output totals if we're not piping somewhere.
	if ( ! WP_CLI\Utils\isPiped() ) {
				'Total queries ran: %s, DB Time Taken: %s',
				WP_CLI::colorize( '%g' . number_format( count( $lines ) * $runs, 0 ) . '%n' ),
				WP_CLI::colorize( '%g' . $this->convert_to_human_readable( $total_time_us ) . '%n' ),

Code language: PHP (php)

You can then run it and gather the data as a table, or as a CSV file (--format=csv) which is much more likely to be useful.

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