I’m working on a module to add OctoPrint status to my zsh prompt, which I’ll probably write about in the future as a bigger post about my prompt customizations.
To start with that though, I need to play around with accessing the API via curl.
So here’s my super alpha version that will request the current status via HTTP and output it:
# Fetch the JSON from OctoPrint
response="$(curl --max-time ${CURL_TIMEOUT} --silent --fail \
--header "X-Api-Key: ${OCTOPRINT_API}" \
# Extract fields with jq
file_name=$(jq -r '.job.file.display' <<< "$response")
completion=$(jq -r '.progress.completion' <<< "$response")
state=$(jq -r '.state' <<< "$response")
time_elapsed=$(jq -r '.progress.printTime' <<< "$response")
time_left=$(jq -r '.progress.printTimeLeft' <<< "$response")
# Round the completion percentage to two decimals
completion_str=$(printf "%.2f" "$completion")
# Convert seconds to H:MM:SS
function fmt_time() {
local total_seconds="$1"
local hours=$((total_seconds / 3600))
local minutes=$(((total_seconds % 3600) / 60))
local seconds=$((total_seconds % 60))
printf "%02d:%02d:%02d" "$hours" "$minutes" "$seconds"
# Convert the times
time_elapsed_str=$(fmt_time "$time_elapsed")
time_left_str=$(fmt_time "$time_left")
# Print a readable summary
echo "File: ${file_name}"
echo "State: ${state}"
echo "Completion: ${completion_str}%"
echo "Time Elapsed: ${time_elapsed_str}"
echo "Time Left: ${time_left_str}"
Code language: Bash (bash)
Do with this what you will.
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