Category: WordPress

  • Quick Tip: Force Enable Auto-Updates in WordPress

    Quick Tip: Force Enable Auto-Updates in WordPress

    Enable auto-updates for WordPress core, plugins, themes, and translations using an mu-plugin with PHP code. Embrace auto-updates for smoother maintenance.

  • Query Caching (and a little extra)

    Query Caching (and a little extra)

    WordPress does not cache queries by default, but using the Advanced Post Cache plugin can improve performance. By caching `WP_Query` calls with a persistent object cache, performance can be enhanced even further with additional caching techniques for different queries and responses.

  • Auto-enable WP_DEBUG with a cookie

    Auto-enable WP_DEBUG with a cookie

    A guide on enabling WP_DEBUG in WordPress for theme/plugin development or debugging. Learn how to set it in wp-config.php or use a secret cookie method. Enhance it with additional settings like WP_DEBUG_LOG and SCRIPT_DEBUG. Implement the cookie setup using a custom mu-plugin for improved development efficiency.

  • Gutenberg, Code, and Highlighting

    Gutenberg, Code, and Highlighting

    Gutenberg now supports syntax highlighting in code blocks using the code-syntax-block plugin. Say goodbye to plain code rendering and embrace the beauty of highlighted syntax within Gutenberg blocks. Check out how Marcus Kazmierczak took code display to the next level!

  • Securing WordPress Plugins with more Plugins

    Securing WordPress Plugins with more Plugins

    Learn how to secure plugins from accidental deactivation in WordPress by creating a helper function within an mu-plugin. This function ensures that critical plugins cannot be disabled, providing stability to your website. See how to implement this function and prevent the “Deactivate” option from appearing in the WordPress admin interface.

  • CSS & JS Concatenation in WordPress

    CSS & JS Concatenation in WordPress

    Automated concatenation of Javascript and CSS files in WordPress can be enhanced using the `nginx-http-concat` plugin. Even though it was designed for nginx, it can be adapted to work with Apache servers. By utilizing specific code in `wp-config.php` and `mu-plugin`, improved caching and speed can be achieved. Consider turning this setup into a dedicated plugin…