Tag: data-management
Logging Failed Redirects
in WordPressA logging plugin can help track failed redirects in WordPress, preventing default redirects to “/wp-admin/” for un-whitelisted domains. The plugin creates a dashboard widget displaying domains and failed redirect counts, offering insight into redirect issues and simplifying troubleshooting.
Purging All The Caches!
in WordPressLearn how to efficiently manage WordPress caching with PHP OPcache, WordPress Object Cache, and full page caching using custom code for an Admin Dashboard widget. Simplify cache purging across three different plugins with this code snippet.
Windows, SFTP, and the Registry
in WindowsEasily handle dynamically generated SFTP IPs and ports by creating a wrapper script in Windows, allowing you to efficiently manage connections with additional data like private keys and proxy information. Register a handler for SFTP URIs with a Windows Registry file to streamline the process of connecting to SFTP directories.
Logging Post Status Transitions in WordPress
There’s a simple solution I found to log all post status transitions in post meta.
Validating WordPress attachments with WP-CLI
in developmentI recently worked on migrating a site to a different server and for one reason or another, some of the images did not come over properly. While I could have just re-downloaded and re-imported all of the media, it would have taken quite a while since the media library was well over 100Gb. Instead, I…