Tag: quick-tip

  • Quick Tip: Script Debugging in WordPress

    Quick Tip: Script Debugging in WordPress

    When debugging core WordPress scripts, dealing with cached copies like in `script-loader.php` can be tricky. You can apply a unique `ver` argument to core scripts on each refresh using a filter. This ensures you get the most recent version from page and browser cache. Remember to enable `SCRIPT_DEBUG` when debugging core scripts.

  • Quick Tip: Looping a command in bash

    Quick Tip: Looping a command in bash

    Discover how to monitor disk space usage efficiently while running slow programs to prevent sudden command failures. Use `watch -n10 bash -c “df -h | ack disk1s5″` for real-time updates, where `disk1s5` represents the desired partition. Run `df` to find the correct device file.