Gutenberg and Markdown


Jetpack now has its own built-in Markdown block:


I’d highly recommend using it instead 🙂

Original post below:

I’ve been playing around with Gutenberg a tiny bit recently and have realized that, at least in my case, it kind of eats the Jetpack Markdown module and doesn’t offer full markdown support.


I honestly know nothing about writing blocks for Gutenberg, but luckily GitHub user nuzzio does 🙂

This recent, but now closed PR to Jetpack was pretty much everything necessary to build a working block.

I’ve put my code up on GitHub as a WordPress plugin:



Like I said, I don’t know what I’m doing–so consider this plugin super beta.

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3 responses to “Gutenberg and Markdown”

  1. I begin to hate Gutenberg. I use JP Markdown so I don’t need Jetpack and it won’t work in blocks. So I’m very happy to find your solution. I will try it – but still need Jetpack, how boring.
    Thanks a lot for your sharing.

  2. You could also try EditorsKit Plugin – . Here’s the markdown preview :

  3. […] the latest one is how to use Markdown tables. The new Gutenberg editor understands Markdown to some extent, so using pound sign gives you headers for instance, but it does not get most of it, the base […]

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