Tag: Windows

  • Dall-E 2 Outpainting Experiment

    Dall-E 2 Outpainting Experiment

    OpenAI introduces Outpainting feature to DALL-E 2, allowing easy image expansion. A quick run-through explores the other side of Bliss with fun experimental results. Download the raw file from DALL-E 2 to further experiment with image manipulation.

  • Quick Tip: HyperDock as a Service

    Quick Tip: HyperDock as a Service

    A macOS tool called HyperDock has been causing issues on macOS Catalina, with random stops requiring manual re-enabling. A script has been created to restart the HyperDock Helper automatically using a Login Item. This script monitors and restarts the Helper when it crashes, providing a workaround for the problem.

  • Windows, SFTP, and the Registry

    Windows, SFTP, and the Registry

    Easily handle dynamically generated SFTP IPs and ports by creating a wrapper script in Windows, allowing you to efficiently manage connections with additional data like private keys and proxy information. Register a handler for SFTP URIs with a Windows Registry file to streamline the process of connecting to SFTP directories.