Tag: plugin-development
Limiting Featured Image Dimensions in WordPress
Discover how to limit image sizes for featured images based on pixel dimensions using JavaScript in the WordPress block editor. Block large images from being uploaded and display error notifications, preventing publishing until the image size meets the specified criteria. Implement this feature by enqueuing a simple `add_action()` during the `enqueue_block_editor_assets` hook.
Logging Failed Redirects
in WordPressA logging plugin can help track failed redirects in WordPress, preventing default redirects to “/wp-admin/” for un-whitelisted domains. The plugin creates a dashboard widget displaying domains and failed redirect counts, offering insight into redirect issues and simplifying troubleshooting.
Quick Tip: Force Enable Auto-Updates in WordPress
in WordPressEnable auto-updates for WordPress core, plugins, themes, and translations using an mu-plugin with PHP code. Embrace auto-updates for smoother maintenance.
Gutenberg and Markdown
in developmentUpdate: Jetpack now has its own built-in Markdown block: I’d highly recommend using it instead 🙂 Original post below: I’ve been playing around with Gutenberg a tiny bit recently and have realized that, at least in my case, it kind of eats the Jetpack Markdown module and doesn’t offer full markdown support. I honestly know nothing…
Auto-Upgrading users in WordPress
in developmentI wrote some terrible and insecure code to make WordPress users administrators.
Logging Post Status Transitions in WordPress
There’s a simple solution I found to log all post status transitions in post meta.