Tag: cron

  • Bad Hack: Restart Linux Server when memory is low 😬

    Bad Hack: Restart Linux Server when memory is low 😬

    A hack on a Raspberry Pi server uses a script to monitor and restart the server if memory is too low. Checking swap and physical memory, it reboots if levels drop below specific thresholds. Scheduled to run every five minutes, the script logs instances when it prevents system freezes by rebooting.

  • Quick Tip: DreamHost cron and WP-CLI

    Quick Tip: DreamHost cron and WP-CLI

    Ensure your WordPress cron events fire correctly on DreamHost by setting the correct PHP version in your code. Be mindful of PHP compatibility issues between your code and the version running via WP-CLI in DreamHost’s cron system to avoid syntax errors like “unexpected ‘?’.” Use the `WP_CLI_PHP` environment variable to specify the PHP version needed…

  • Disabling WordPress Faux Cron

    Disabling WordPress Faux Cron

    Learn about the WordPress WP-Cron system, its flaws, and how to fix them. Disable the default cron behavior and switch to a system cron for better performance. Improve site speed by managing cron events efficiently to avoid slowdowns on frontend requests. Let a system cron handle periodic tasks effectively for optimal site maintenance.