Tag: WordPress

  • Quick Tip: Disable WordPress Block Editor Fullscreen Mode

    Quick Tip: Disable WordPress Block Editor Fullscreen Mode

    Editing posts in WordPress can be frustrating when the block editor keeps defaulting to fullscreen mode. Utilize this PHP code snippet to disable the fullscreen mode by default for a smoother editing experience. Credits to Jean-Baptiste Audras for sharing this helpful solution.

  • Getting WordPress Database Size via WP-CLI

    Getting WordPress Database Size via WP-CLI

    A WordPress WP-CLI command `db-size` allows fetching database tables, their data, and index size in various formats. The command offers sorting options like total, table, data size, and index size. Use `–format` to adjust the output format (`table`, `csv`, `json`, `count`, `yaml`), and `–raw` for full byte size.

  • Quick Tip: Export WordPress SQL output via WP-CLI

    Quick Tip: Export WordPress SQL output via WP-CLI

    Learn how to run custom SQL queries on your WordPress database using a small WP-CLI command. The command supports different output formats like table, CSV, JSON, and more. Plus, it includes a dry run option for safety. No need to rely on `wp db query` anymore!

  • Wisps, a WordPress Plugin

    Wisps, a WordPress Plugin

    With Wisps, you can have code snippets similar to Gist, Pastebin, or similar code sharing sites. Using the built-in WordPress code editor, you can write snippets to post and share.

  • Quick Tip: DreamHost cron and WP-CLI

    Quick Tip: DreamHost cron and WP-CLI

    Ensure your WordPress cron events fire correctly on DreamHost by setting the correct PHP version in your code. Be mindful of PHP compatibility issues between your code and the version running via WP-CLI in DreamHost’s cron system to avoid syntax errors like “unexpected ‘?’.” Use the `WP_CLI_PHP` environment variable to specify the PHP version needed…

  • Blogging Anonymously

    Blogging Anonymously

    Setting up an anonymous user on WordPress can be more challenging than expected. Learn about a plugin for creating a pseudo-anonymous user profile with additional metadata, offering a potential workaround. Be cautious, as this setup is more of a concept than a foolproof method, leaving room for potential user data exposure.

  • Logging Failed Redirects

    Logging Failed Redirects

    A logging plugin can help track failed redirects in WordPress, preventing default redirects to “/wp-admin/” for un-whitelisted domains. The plugin creates a dashboard widget displaying domains and failed redirect counts, offering insight into redirect issues and simplifying troubleshooting.